


I - like many others - suffered a lot of loss during the pandemic. Letting go of dreams, not being able to say goodbye to loved ones, grieving, mourning and trying to find a means of hope. None of this came naturally to me, so I turned to one of the few things I knew … art and creation.

The Pandemic Parables is a series of vlogs and digital journal entries I created to help me process and dissect the world I was forced to confront; both internally and externally.

I feel a sense of pride and gratitude looking back at these videos. Not for its quality, but for my bravery in confronting those feelings, sharing them with others and having a physical reminder of how far I have come.

I hope you enjoy my first mini series, I hope to create more of these videos in a more professional setting.

Its okay not to be okay: check in, Instagram journal entry 2020

This season has been challenging but it has also been a season of growth, adaptation and learning. I have been given the gift of time, the opportunity to get to know myself better and the space to create and inspire. So be kind to yourself during this time. Laugh, cry, sleep, eat and dance. Be a kid again!!!! Believe what your heart tells you and clear the negative space from your mind; I know it’s easier said then done.
Feeling stuck is a sign that it is time to make a change. So show compassion to yourself/others and don’t ever stop doing the things that bring you life! Bad days come and go, it’s apart of life. But as a friend reminded me this morning “when bad things end, good things start!” Thank you if you made it til the end🙏🏾

Much Love, Shanique♥️

A letter to myself, 2020

Dear Future Shanique,

I can't wait to see all the adventures you go on, the people you meet and the memories you make. You have accomplished so much and there is no doubt in my mind that you will continue to reach for the stars. Continue to create and inspire. Dream big and love recklessly. Never take no for an answer and never let your well of hope run dry. I hope this video serves you well.

Much Love, Shanique 🌸

learning and growing, 2020

a season of learning and growing.

Cheers to a new season, 2021

An imperfectly curated ode to a new season; welcome to YGK.

Completed Transcript 2:14 to 2:37:

Make a list of your goals, write down the steps of how you’re going to get there and then do it.

Wholeheartedly, unashamedly and for you.

Cheers to a new season.

So, let’s get started.